How do refrigerated trucks work?
February 13, 2021

When you are first looking into the idea of getting your truck refrigerated, you might not know what to expect at first. After all, when they have to install various parts into the truck, you might also worry about how much space you could lose. The more space you lose could impact how much you can carry. Thankfully, when it comes to refrigerating a truck, there isn’t that much that you have to worry about. Instead, if you are concerned about how the process will work, the experts will talk you through each step of the way so that you know exactly what to expect.
What Is Refrigeration?
As you might be able to imagine, the process of refrigeration is making sure that your truck is able to hold and maintain a lower temperature than that outside of it, allowing you to move and transport products that require a low temperature such as meats. In a sense, you can think of it as turning the inside of the truck into a large walk-in refrigerator that you can drive around from one place to another.
The process of refrigeration is relatively straightforward as well. The body of a truck doesn’t offer much insulation naturally, so there is usually some degree of insulation added in. This can be in the form of lining the truck with insulation material or adding an insulated box into the truck itself. The exact route that you go for your truck depends a lot on what your requirements are and what specifications you need to meet.
Once the truck is sufficiently insulated and is able to hold a colder temperature regardless of what the temperature outside of the truck might be, a refrigeration unit is then added into the truck. These units are often placed on top of the truck and connect into the area of the truck that you need to keep refrigerated. The type of refrigeration unit you get can vary wildly, depending on what you need. Some units are designed to keep the truck at a temperature somewhat above freezing but still noticeably cooler than the environment around it, much like the refrigerators you have in your house. Other refrigeration units are designed to turn your truck into a freezer, keeping the temperature well below freezing. Different units are also designed to handle different amounts of space, which is another aspect to consider.
Through the addition of insulation and refrigeration, you can convert truck into a fridge truck without needing to give it a second thought. Before you know it, you will be able to move around goods that need to be kept cold in the comfort of your own truck.
How Does it Affect the Truck?
Of course, before you make any major change to your truck, you will want to know how it will affect the truck and how things can change because of it. Typically, fridge trucks don’t operate any differently than they did before the refrigeration process from the driver’s perspective. On the outside, the truck will have a cooling unit attached to the area that needs to be cooled, but it will often be relatively small in comparison to the rest of the truck.
The interior will be insulated, and depending on what you need, you can also add doors to the side and back of it to make it easier to load what you need in it. The cooling unit will be copper plumbed so that it can last for a long time, and you can also have a display installed to help you monitor the temperature inside the fridge part of the truck. Aside from this, refrigerated trucks will function much like a walk-in fridge simply attached to the back of the cab.